SAGA x Bullieverse : BullRun Bonanza Tournament

2 min readJun 30, 2024


Are you ready to compete for a share of the $25,000 prize pool in the exciting SAGA x BullRun Bonanza Tournament?

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Check Your Entry Pass NFTs First: Verify if you’ve received your entry pass NFTs in your Bullieverse SAGA Chainlet wallet.
    To add the Bullieverse chainlet to MetaMask, use these details:
    - RPC:
    - Chain ID: 2712713323097000
    - Currency Symbol: BULL
    - Explorer:
  2. Create a Beyond Gaming Passport : Visit to create your Beyond Gaming Passport
  3. Connect Your Wallet: Navigate to the Integrations tab inside Beyond Passport and Connect the wallet containing your entry passes on the Bullieverse SAGA Chainlet to your Beyond Gaming Passport.
  4. Download the BullRun Game :
    - Google Play Store (Android)
    - App Store (iOS)
    Use this QR code to download:
  5. Log In and Join the Tournament
    - Open the BullRun game and log in with your Beyond Gaming Passport account.
    - Navigate to the Competitions page.
    - Look for “Upcoming Tournament” and join the SAGA x BullRun Bonanza!

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues, join the Bullieverse Discord chat for assistance:

About SAGA:

SAGA is an innovative protocol that enables developers to launch dedicated blockchains from single-tenant VMs, complete with fully provisioned validators and an optimized security structure, allowing for infinite horizontal scalability

About BullieverseBullieverse is a thriving Web3 gaming ecosystem that blends gaming, digital art, and community governance. Launched in 2021, Bullieverse has quickly gained traction, raising over $4 million and building a vibrant community of gamers. Bullieverse is backed by prominent Web3 VCs like Okx Ventures, Fundamental Labs, Jsquare Ventures, and 6th Man Ventures.

Three titles are live: Bearhunt, Bull Run, and Necrodemic. Necrodemic is a free-to-play survival game built on Unreal Engine 5, currently in Beta. Our new “Bull Run” mobile game is live on the Apple App Store and Google Playstore.

Join the Bullieverse community:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord




Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse where NFTs come to life through an immersive gaming experience built on Unreal engine. (